Ragging as we all known as a social interaction between seniors and juniors in schools and colleges. An interaction which can take very brutal, inhuman and anti-social form at times. Even some of the highly reputed colleges and institutions have a terrible history of ragging.
- Undertaking an affidavit from every student avowing not to indulge in ragging.
- The institution is prominently displaying posters detailing laws and punishment against ragging.
- Anti-ragging squad to ensure vigil at odd hours during first few months at hostel & inside institution premises.
- Printed leaflet to be given to every fresher detailing addresses and telephone numbers of the Anti-Ragging Helpline, Wardens, Head of the institution, all members of the anti-ragging squads and committees, and relevant district and police authorities.
- Identity of informants of ragging incidents to be fully protected.
- Faculty members assigned to students to make surprise visits and to maintain a diary of his/her interaction with the freshers.
- Freshers to be lodged, as far as may be, in a separate hostel block.
- Head of the institution, at the end of each academic year, to send a letter to the parents/guardians of the students who are completing their first year in the institution informing them about these Regulations.
- Anti-Ragging Committee to be nominated and headed by the Head of the institution, and consisting of representatives of civil and police administration, representatives of faculty members, representatives of parents, representatives of students belonging to the freshers' category etc.
- Duty of the Anti-Ragging Committee to ensure compliance with the provisions of these Regulations.
- Anti-Ragging Squad to be nominated by the Head of the Institution for maintaining vigil, oversight and patrolling functions and shall remain mobile, alert and active at all times.
- Anti-Ragging Squad to make surprise raids on hostels.
- Discreet random surveys to be conducted amongst the freshers every fortnight during the first three months.
- First Information Report (FIR) to be filed within twenty four hours of receipt of such information or complaint of ragging, with the police and local authorities.
- Head of the institution to forthwith report the incident of ragging to the District Level Anti-Ragging Committee and the Nodal officer.
- Institution shall also continue with its own enquiry and remedial action to be completed with-in seven days.
- As per the recommendations, the apex court has said that ragging is unacceptable and must be deterred by exemplary and harsh punishment.
Our institute has been free from this menace because of the active cooperation of the faculty, students, parents and staff. We also continually make an effort to free our campus from all kinds of toxins viz. ragging, consumption of liquor, etc.
In our Institute if any student is found indulging in any activity, which comes in the category of ragging, then he/she becomes liable to any or all of following punishments:
- Suspension or expulsion from the hostel or the Institute,
- Withholding of results,
- Debarring from representation in events,
- Withholding scholarships or other benefits, or
- Anything which the Disciplinary Committee finds suitable as per the enquiry conducted.
- FIR to be filed with Police on receipt of complaint.
As per the Report of the Raghavan Committee on ragging, constituted by Honorable Supreme Court of India, it is mandatory for the institutions to get an undertaking from parents of all the students of first year stating that their ward would refrain from any activity leading to an act of ragging. UGC rules also provide for stringent punishment if any student is found to be indulging in ragging.
- Ragging Prevention Committee: A Ragging Prevention Committee (RPC) is formed every year. This committee functions actively from the date of start of the session.
- A separate committee of senior students is formed each year to assist the Ragging Prevention Committee. They act as the eyes and ears of the faculty committee. Besides, they are also involved in educating their colleagues. They are also assisted by senior student volunteers from amongst their own colleagues.
- Every teacher and staff member is obliged to do this duty twice a month.
- Principal, Dean and Warden and tutors keep on joining this team periodically.
- Separate meetings of senior faculty with first year and second year students are held in the very beginning of the session and then periodically to sensitize them against ragging. This act is publicized through posters both inside and outside the neighborhood of the campus.
- Student(s) mentor bodies are formed wherein a group of seniors, who can motivate and inspire the fresher, is entrusted with the task of guiding and helping them.
- Formal interaction among first year and other year students in the presence of institute authorities is arranged.
- Literary and cultural activities with the joint participation of seniors and juniors, and boys and girls are held periodically in the guidance of faculty.